Formula BAC+

ImageBAC stands for Blood Anti-Clot. The major herbs composing this tincture have been used in China for thousands of years to assist the body in the treatment of blood-related disorders without side-effects.  They are used to help

Imagecirculation, treat heart problems, reduce cholesterol in the arteries and alleviate varicose veins. This tincture acts as a tonic for both the liver and the heart, strengthening the heart without affecting the heart rate. BAC+ has been shown effective in helping many chronic disorders.  For even further information on  BAC+  check out our  book, Cardiovascular Health in a Bottle .



“I use the Formula BAC to keep my cholesterol under control. After taking BAC at least six weeks, five drops two times a day, I am pleased with the results. My LDL dropped from 309 to 217, HDL rose from 52 to 56.” ~M.M., Russell Springs, Kansas

“I was scheduled for an angioplasty in October when my brother sent me a bottle of BAC in August. In two weeks my cholesterol dropped from 700 to 100.” ~J.A., Washington