Momordicae, “Nature’s Nectar” is a sweet melon, often called Bitter Melon, that is found in India, Asia, and South America. In India and China, Momordicae has been used to help reverse Insulin Resistance, to combat Diabetes Mellitus,
helps dispel coughs, dissipate phlegm, treat chronic bronchitis, and used as a sugar substitute by diabetics. Momordicae decreases the absorption of sugar from food and increases the amount of glycogen kept in the liver for use by muscles.
“I had pain in my right eye with blurred vision as I suffer from bouts of higher than normal pressure in my eye. I took Momordica made by Wisdom of the Ages 3 to 4 times a day for a week using 5 drops each time. The pain went away and I have clearer vision. I am now only needing to take it occasionally.”
~Ron S. Palmer, Colorado