Wisechoice (Quit Smoking)

ImageA homeopathic formula intended to Overcome Nicotine Addiction. This product helps cleanse the Adrenal Glands, Stop Nicotine Addiction, Heal Damaged Tissue, Overcome Exhaustion and Nervousness.

To Quit Smoking is one of the greatest things you can do for your health. Smoking is the #1 cause of Cancer and Heart Problems . Wise Choice stops Nicotine Addiction with little or no withdrawal or weight gain.



“I started taking Wise Choice on Thursday night, and I smoked 2 packs a day, and by Monday of the next week I was completely done. I had one hard day but that was worth it. I have tried to quit three times in the last 2 years with no success. Thank you for introducing Wise Choice to me and I have already bought some for my daughter to get her to quit.” ~P.H., Missouri

“I was introduced to Wise Choice at the Northwest Missouri State Fair and thought nothing could help me. I have done the patches with the gum at the same time with no success…the man asked me how much do you smoke and I told him 6 packs a day. He told me it would probably take two bottles…after 4 days (on Wise Choice), I was down to 1/2 pack a day and am so excited I had to call. For the first time I feel I can beat this.” ~R.M., North Kansas City, Missouri